Sara Zeiger

Non-Resident Fellow, International Relations & Counter-Terrorism

Sara Zeiger is Manager, Department of Research and Analysis, at Hedayah and co-leads a capacity-building program on Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) and education for teachers. She supports the management of the Department’s resources and programs, including Counter-narrative Library, non-resident Fellowship Program, and International CVE Research Conference.

Sara focuses her research on several CVE topics, including the role of education and women, counter-narratives and messaging private sector’s role, and monitoring, measurement and evaluation of CVE projects. Sara has worked as a Research Assistant at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Harvard University.

She served as a Head Teaching Fellow for the Harvard Extension School where she taught courses on anthropology, politics, and Islam in the West. Sara has an M.A. in International Relations and Religion from Boston University and graduated as valedictorian with a B.A. in Psychology and Religion from Ohio Northern University.