About Us

TRENDS Research & Advisory strives to present an insightful and informed view of global issues and challenges from a strategic perspective. Established in 2014 as an independent research center, TRENDS conducts specialized studies in the fields of international relations and political, economic and social sciences. It undertakes rigorous analyses of current issues and international and regional developments, especially in the Middle East and North Africa.

The Center analyses opportunities and challenges at various levels of the geopolitical spectrum. It evaluates scenarios and prospects to find scientific and objective answers and seeks to influence the decision-making process. TRENDS Research & Advisory aims to champion national and regional causes and build a strong network with research centers, organizations, and institutions around the world. It also seeks to benefit from the expertise of international research and academic institutions.

Message from the Director General

The knowledge and technology revolution unfolding around us today has put humanity on the threshold of a new phase of development. This has enhanced the role and paramount importance of think-tanks, which analyze policies and identify the courses nations take in the realization of their ambitions related to human development, stability, and quality of life.

TRENDS Research & Advisory was founded in 2014 with the objective to be an independent research and advisory center in Abu Dhabi and positively contribute to scientific studies. As outlined in its Vision and Mission, TRENDS’ ultimate goal is to provide a better understanding and deeper analyses of the different developments and challenges impacting the Gulf and Middle East regions, and the world in general. This involves employing internationally acknowledged scientific criteria adhered to by the most established think-tanks.

TRENDS’ mission is to identify and follow up on the issues of significance in the realms of politics, economics, security, and knowledge. It takes up the task of analyzing these issues and employs a strategic perspective while conducting specialist studies.

Organizational Structure


Omar Al-Nuaimi
Rashed Murooshid
To be a global think-tank influencing government policies and international organizations.

Use rigorous academic research and effective partnerships to influence, and contribute to, the formulation of policies and decisions of governments and international organizations relating to all aspects of global and strategic issues.

  1. Contributing effectively to research and studies identifying international risks and challenges.
  2. Training and empowering future leaders to deepen their insights and equipping them with the appropriate tools.
  3. Providing advisory for different sectors to generate financial resources for the center.
  4. Establishing a large network of relations and building strategic partnerships with global decision-making support centers, international government, and non-government organizations.
  5. Reinforcing awareness regarding Middle East issues and influencing international public opinion.
Produce cutting edge research that helps decision-makers better understand the challenges of the future.
Core Values
Objectivity: in raising and discussing issues
Accuracy and credibility: in providing information
Transparency: in analyzing and presenting facts and results
Professionalism: in producing authentic, high-quality research

Core Standards
Production of high-quality research adhering to strict academic standards, internationally recognized among research centers. The most important core standards are:
  • Commitment
  • Academic honesty and integrity
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Excellence
In its pursuit to influence the regional and international decision-making process, the Center focuses on the following fields:

  1. International Relations: Studying international engagements and mutual influence within international axes and regional powers, and the nature of the international order. These include bilateral and multilateral relations, with special emphasis on vital areas relevant to the interests of the UAE. Research activities at the Center also focus on studying foreign policy, diplomatic, international security and governance issues
  2. Security, Military, Terrorism, Extremism and Political Violence: The Center gives due attention to security issues by studying the root causes of terrorism and extremism and factors threatening national security. Due attention is also given to national security strategies pertaining to cyberspace, regional policies, extremist ideologies, political Islamist groups and strategies to combat terrorism and extremism. The Center also focuses on military strategies and routinely analyzes military tactics, doctrines, and defense technologies and their development trends
  3. Geopolitical Studies: The Center closely studies regional and international armed conflicts, crisis management, negotiation techniques and the role of asymmetric warfare is causing demographic transformations. It also addresses the changing geographical maps and population realities, especially in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region
  4. Sustainable Development: TRENDS Research & Advisory also conducts research on international and regional economy, and other related issues including human development, education, human rights, and women and youth issues. With the digital and informatics revolution sweeping the world today, the Center also pays special attention to artificial intelligence and innovation, in addition to focusing on space science which has increasingly become a center of interest and in which all countries support to enhance its development.