Message from the Director General

Dr. Mohamed Al Ali

The knowledge and technology revolution unfolding around us today has put humanity on the threshold of a new phase of development. This has enhanced the role and paramount importance of think-tanks, which analyze policies and identify the courses nations take in the realization of their ambitions related to human development, stability, and quality of life.

TRENDS Research & Advisory was founded in 2014 with the objective to be an independent research and advisory center in Abu Dhabi and positively contribute to scientific studies. As outlined in its Vision and Mission, TRENDS’ ultimate goal is to provide a better understanding and deeper analyses of the different developments and challenges impacting the Gulf and Middle East regions, and the world in general. This involves employing internationally acknowledged scientific criteria adhered to by the most established think-tanks.

TRENDS’ mission is to identify and follow up on the issues of significance in the realms of politics, economics, security, and knowledge. It takes up the task of analyzing these issues and employs a strategic perspective while conducting specialist studies. The ultimate goal is to support decision-makers at the national and regional levels, provide deeper insight and lay grounds for comprehensive and objective scientific research. This process involves analyzing opportunities and challenges presented as a result of regional and global developments, addressing questions relating to future horizons and providing answers to support the march of progress and stability of nations. Our research output is predicated on an enlightened vision and its target is to realize our identified objectives. In pursuit of the realization of our goals, we constantly seek to engage in intellectual and strategic communication with research centers around the world.

Credibility, integrity, and transparency are the guiding principles and essential elements of the TRENDS work ethics. We endeavor to provide programs and mechanisms to qualify and train researchers and attract a group of renowned researchers to study the most significant issues relevant to our region. We persistently strive to make TRENDS a bridge facilitating knowledge-based and academic communication among a large number of researchers. The ultimate goal is to build an excellent platform and a reservoir of analyses and peer-reviewed studies presenting clear and objective insights on regional and global issues.

TRENDS Research & Advisory seeks to contribute effectively toward the process of directing Arab and international public opinion, especially concerning geopolitical, economic and security affairs. We intend to widen our network of researchers to academic circles and faculties on the Arab and international universities. The objective behind building this network is to maintain the quality of research and diversify research methodologies.

The domain of think-tanks has widened around the world in recent years. Unprecedented phenomena such as artificial intelligence, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, cyber-warfare, sustainable blue economy, and renewable energy have come to the foreground. We are keen to tackle these issues and adopt a comprehensive and integrated approach so that we benefit from the opportunities arising out of the sustainable development of countries in the region.

At TRENDS, we consider ourselves part of the global movement of scientific research. We not only engage with this movement, and maintain constant contact with its schools of thought and research, we also enrich it through our outputs in the realms of research and knowledge. We aspire to attain a distinguished status among the most prominent think-tanks in the region, and the world, by following a clear and ambitious strategic plan based on scientific research and successful partnerships as the pillars of excellence and innovation. This is in sync with our ongoing contribution toward enhancing security, stability and sustainable development in the Arab region and the world.

Allah is the arbiter of success.
Dr. Mohamed Al Ali